As-Saffat – The Aligners

Audio: As-Saffat – The Aligners (Allah Version)
Length: 11 mins, 24 secs

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.

37:1. By the aligners aligning.

37:2. And the drivers driving.

37:3. And the reciters of the Reminder.

37:4. Your God is indeed One.

37:5. Lord of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them; and Lord of the Easts.

37:6. We have adorned the lower heaven with the beauty of the planets.

37:7. And guarded it against every defiant devil.

37:8. They cannot eavesdrop on the Supernal Elite, for they get bombarded from every side.

37:9. Repelled—they will have a lingering torment.

37:10. Except for him who snatches a fragment—he gets pursued by a piercing projectile.

37:11. Inquire of them, “Are they more difficult to create, or the others We created?” We created them from sticky clay.

37:12. But you wonder, and they ridicule.

37:13. And when reminded, they pay no attention.

37:14. And when they see a sign, they ridicule.

37:15. And they say, “This is nothing but plain magic.

37:16. When we have died and become dust and bones, shall we be resurrected?

37:17. And our ancestors of old?”

37:18. Say, “Yes indeed, and you will be totally subdued.”

37:19. It will be a single nudge, and they will be staring.

37:20. They will say, “Woe to us. This is the Day of Judgment.”

37:21. “This is the Day of Separation which you used to deny.

37:22. Gather those who did wrong, and their mates, and what they used to worship.

37:23. Besides Allah, and lead them to the way to Hell.

37:24. And stop them. They are to be questioned.”

37:25. What is the matter with you? Why do you not help one another?

37:26. In fact, on that Day, they will be submissive.

37:27. They will come to one another, questioning one another.

37:28. They will say, “You used to come at us from the right.”

37:29. They will say, “You yourselves were not believers.

37:30. We had no authority over you. You yourselves were rebellious people.

37:31. The Word of our Lord has been realized against us. We are tasting it.

37:32. We seduced you. We were seducers.”

37:33. On that Day, they will share in the punishment.

37:34. Thus We deal with the sinners.

37:35. When it was said to them, “There is no god except Allah,” they grew arrogant.

37:36. And said, “Are we to abandon our gods for a mad poet?”

37:37. In fact, he came with the truth, and he confirmed the messengers.

37:38. Most assuredly, you will taste the painful punishment.

37:39. And you will be repaid only for what you used to do.

37:40. Except for Allah’s sincere servants.

37:41. For them is a known provision.

37:42. Fruits; and they will be honored.

37:43. In the Gardens of Bliss.

37:44. On furnishings, facing one another.

37:45. They will be offered a cup of pure drink.

37:46. White; a delight to those who drink.

37:47. Never polluted, and never intoxicating.

37:48. With them will be bashful women with lovely eyes.

37:49. As if they were closely guarded pearls.

37:50. Then they will approach one another, questioning.

37:51. One of them will say, “I used to have a friend.

37:52. Who used to say, “Are you of those who believe?

37:53. That after we die and become dust and bones, we will be called to account?”

37:54. He will say, “Will you have a look?”

37:55. He will look, and will see him in the pit of Hell.

37:56. He will say, “By Allah, you almost ruined me.

37:57. Were it not for the grace of my Lord, I would have been among the arraigned.”

37:58. “We will not die.

37:59. Except for our first death, and we will not be punished.”

37:60. This is the supreme triumph.

37:61. For the like of this let the workers work.

37:62. Is this a better hospitality, or the Tree of Bitterness?

37:63. We made it an ordeal for the unjust.

37:64. It is a tree that grows from the bottom of Hell.

37:65. Its fruits are like the devils’ heads.

37:66. They will eat from it, and fill their bellies with it.

37:67. Then, on top of it, they will have a brew of boiling liquid.

37:68. Then their return will be to the Blaze.

37:69. They had found their parents astray.

37:70. And rushed along in their footsteps.

37:71. And most of the ancients before them went astray.

37:72. Even though We sent messengers to warn them.

37:73. So observe the end of those who were warned.

37:74. Except for the sincere servants of Allah.

37:75. And Noah called out to Us, and We are the Best of responders.

37:76. And We saved him and his family from the great calamity.

37:77. And We made his descendants the survivors.

37:78. And We left mention of him among those who succeeded.

37:79. Peace be upon Noah among all people.

37:80. We thus reward the righteous.

37:81. He was one of Our believing servants.

37:82. Then We drowned the others.

37:83. Of his kind was Abraham.

37:84. When he came to his Lord with a sound heart.

37:85. He said to his father and his people, “What are you worshiping?

37:86 Is it falsified gods, instead of Allah, that you want?

37:87. So what is your opinion about the Lord of the Worlds?”

37:88. Then he took a glance at the stars.

37:89. And said, “I am sick.”

37:90. But they turned their backs on him, and went away.

37:91. Then he turned to their gods, and said, “will you not eat?

37:92. What is it with you, that you do not speak?”

37:93. Then he turned on them, striking with his right hand.

37:94. And they came running towards him.

37:95. He said, “Do you worship what you carve?

37:96. When Allah created you, and what you manufacture?”

37:97. They said, “Build a pyre for him, and throw him into the furnace.”

37:98. They wished him ill, but We made them the losers.

37:99. He said, “I am going towards my Lord, and He will guide me.”

37:100. “My Lord, give me one of the righteous.”

37:101. So We gave him good news of a clement boy.

37:102. Then, when he was old enough to accompany him, he said, “O My son, I see in a dream that I am sacrificing you; see what you think.” He said, “O my Father, do as you are commanded; you will find me, Allah willing, one of the steadfast.”

37:103. Then, when they had submitted, and he put his forehead down.

37:104. We called out to him, “O Abraham!

37:105. You have fulfilled the vision.” Thus We reward the doers of good.

37:106. This was certainly an evident test.

37:107. And We redeemed him with a great sacrifice.

37:108. And We left with him for later generations.

37:109. Peace be upon Abraham.

37:110. Thus We reward the doers of good.

37:111. He was one of Our believing servants.

37:112. And We gave him good news of Isaac, a prophet, one of the righteous.

37:113. And We blessed him, and Isaac. But among their descendants are some who are righteous, and some who are clearly unjust to themselves.

37:114. And We blessed Moses and Aaron.

37:115. And We delivered them and their people from the terrible disaster.

37:116. And We supported them, and so they were the victors.

37:117. And We gave them the Clarifying Scripture.

37:118. And We guided them upon the straight path.

37:119. And We left with them for later generations.

37:120. Peace be upon Moses and Aaron.

37:121. Thus We reward the righteous.

37:122. They were of Our believing servants.

37:123. Also Elijah was one of the messengers.

37:124. He said to his people, “Do you not fear?

37:125. Do you call on Baal, and forsake the Best of creators?

37:126. Allah is your Lord, and the Lord of your ancestors.”

37:127. But they called him a liar, and thus they will be brought forward.

37:128. Except for Allah’s sincere servants.

37:129. And We left with him for later generations.

37:130. Peace be upon the House of Elijah.

37:131. Thus We reward the virtuous.

37:132. He was one of Our believing servants.

37:133. And Lot was one of the messengers.

37:134. We saved him and his family, all of them.

37:135. Except for an old woman who lagged behind.

37:136. Then We annihilated the others.

37:137. You pass by them in the morning.

37:138. And at night. Do you not understand?

37:139. And Jonah was one of the messengers.

37:140. When he fled to the laden boat.

37:141. He gambled and lost.

37:142. Then the fish swallowed him, and he was to blame.

37:143. Had he not been one of those who praised.

37:144. He would have stayed in its belly until the Day they are raised.

37:145. Then We threw him into the wilderness, and he was sick.

37:146. And We made a gourd tree grow over him.

37:147. Then We sent him to a hundred thousand, or more.

37:148. And they believed, so We gave them enjoyment for a while.

37:149. Ask them, “Are the daughters for your Lord, while for them the sons?”

37:150. Or did We create the angels females, as they witnessed?”

37:151. No indeed! It is one of their lies when they say.

37:152. “Allah has begotten.” They are indeed lying.

37:153. So He preferred girls over boys?

37:154. What is the matter with you? How do you judge?

37:155. Will you not reflect?

37:156. Or do you have some clear proof?

37:157. Then bring your book, if you are telling the truth.

37:158. And they invented a relationship between Him and the jinn. But the jinn know that they will be arraigned.

37:159. Allah be glorified, far above what they allege.

37:160. Except for Allah’s sincere servants.

37:161. Surely, you and what you serve.

37:162. Cannot seduce away from Him.

37:163. Except for he who will be roasting in Hell.

37:164. “There is not one of us but has an assigned position.

37:165. And we are the arrangers.

37:166. And we are the glorifiers.”

37:167. Even though they used to say.

37:168. “Had we received advice from the ancients.

37:169. We would have been Allah’s faithful servants.”

37:170. But they rejected it, so they will find out.

37:171. Our Word has already gone out to our servant messengers.

37:172. It is they who will be supported.

37:173. And Our troops will be the victors.

37:174. So disregard them for a while.

37:175. And watch them—they will soon see.

37:176. Are they seeking to hasten Our punishment?

37:177. When it descends into their yard, miserable will be the morning of those forewarned.

37:178. So avoid them for a while.

37:179. And watch—they will soon see.

37:180. Exalted be your Lord, the Lord of Glory, beyond their allegations.

37:181. And peace be upon the messengers.

37:182. And praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

Posted in Allah Version, Quran.

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