Audio: Al-Mulk – Sovereignty (GOD Version)
Length: 4 mins, 20 secs
In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful.
67:1. Blessed is He in whose hand is the sovereignty, and Who has power over everything.
67:2. He who created death and life—to test you—as to which of you is better in conduct. He is the Almighty, the Forgiving.
67:3. He who created seven heavens in layers. You see no discrepancy in the creation of the Compassionate. Look again. Can you see any cracks?
67:4. Then look again, and again, and your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted.
67:5. We have adorned the lower heaven with lanterns, and made them missiles against the devils; and We have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze.
67:6. For those who reject their Lord, there is the torment of Hell. What an evil destination!
67:7. When they are thrown into it, they will hear it roaring, as it seethes.
67:8. It almost bursts with fury. Every time a batch is thrown into it, its keepers will ask them, “Has no warner come to you?”
67:9. They will say, “Yes, a warner did come to us, but we disbelieved, and said, ‘God did not send down anything; you are very much mistaken.’”
67:10. And they will say, “Had we listened or reasoned, we would not have been among the inmates of the Blaze.”
67:11. So they will acknowledge their sins. So away with the inmates of the Blaze.
67:12. As for those who fear their Lord in secret—for them is forgiveness and a great reward.
67:13. Whether you keep your words secret, or declare them—He is Aware of the inner thoughts.
67:14. Would He not know, He Who created? He is the Refined, the Expert.
67:15. It is He who made the earth manageable for you, so travel its regions, and eat of His provisions. To Him is the Resurgence.
67:16. Are you confident that the One in heaven will not cause the earth to collapse beneath you as it spins?
67:17. Or are you confident that the One in Heaven will not unleash against you a violent storm? Then you will know what My warning is like.
67:18. Those before them also denied the truth; and how was My disapproval?
67:19. Have they not seen the birds above them, spreading their wings, and folding them? None holds them except the Compassionate. He is Perceiver of everything.
67:20. Or who is this who is a force for you to protect you against the Compassionate? The disbelievers are in nothing but delusion.
67:21. Or who is this that will provide for you, if He withholds His provision? Yet they persist in defiance and aversion.
67:22. Is he who walks bent on his own design better guided, or he who walks upright on a straight path?
67:23. Say, “It is He who produced you; and made for you the hearing, and the vision, and the organs. But rarely do you give thanks.”
67:24. Say, “It is He who scattered you on earth, and to Him you will be rounded up.”
67:25. And they say, “When will this promise be fulfilled, if you are truthful?”
67:26. Say, “Knowledge is with God, and I am only a clear warner.”
67:27. But when they see it approaching, the faces of those who disbelieved will turn gloomy, and it will be said, “This is what you used to call for.”
67:28. Say, “Have you considered? Should God make me perish, and those with me; or else He bestows His mercy on us; who will protect the disbelievers from an agonizing torment?”
67:29. Say, “He is the Compassionate. We have faith in Him, and in Him we trust. Soon you will know who is in evident error.”
67:30. Say, “Have you considered? If your water drains away, who will bring you pure running water?”